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6 Home Office Furniture Ideas: Time to Upgrade!

进入办公室的一个主要福利是,你需要的一切都是高效和有条理的. But now that working from home is becoming more common, we all need home office furniture 既能给办公室带来便利,又能给家里带来舒适的想法.

home office furniture ideas

6 Home Office Furniture Ideas to Improve Your Work Life

如果你一直霸占餐桌或窝在沙发里完成摆脱游戏电子, 那么这是一个完美的地方,你得到一个现代化的家庭办公家具升级. 

如果你没有为成功做好准备,你就不可能把摆脱游戏电子做到最好. 我们有6个家具行业的技巧,将完全改善你的摆脱游戏电子方式!

1. Home Office Furniture That Fits In

建立家庭办公室并不意味着你需要把家里的一个角落完全变成朝九晚五的空间. 让你的空间感觉舒适的关键是选择与你的其他家具和风格融为一体的家庭办公家具.

modern home office furniture
home office furniture

我们的 Slider Sideboard or All-Black Cabinet 可以兼作存放文件、办公用品和所有孩子玩具的地方吗. 从我们这里订购家具的好处之一就是我们做的每件家具都是按客户的要求定做的. 这让我们有机会打造每一件家具,以满足您的特定需求, including home office requirements. Both of these cabinets can be designed to include filing cabinets, drawer organizers, and even built in power stations for you to charge your devices with.

modern office storage

没有任何一种建筑材料能像天然木材一样给人温暖和感觉. Typical office furniture is made from cold plastics in drab colours. 如果你不想让你的摆脱游戏电子在视觉上取代你的家,那就不太理想了. 由北美硬木制成的家庭办公家具将模糊两者之间的界限. Check out our material page to see all the wood options we offer!

2. Ergonomic Home Office Furniture

人体工程学是办公家具界的热门词汇,这是有充分理由的! 人体工程学是将人们的舒适和安全考虑在内的设计实践. 

ergonomic home office desk

Sitting at a stationary desk all day isn’t the best for anyone. Not only is the lack of movement not ideal for your overall health, 桌子的固定高度可能不适合你的摆脱游戏电子效率和身体比例. A height adjustable desk like our Essentials Desk 是符合人体工程学的解决方案,因为它让人们有机会调整他们的摆脱游戏电子表面的高度,以满足他们的需要. 

The standard height for a table is about 30”. 这个维度是一个平均高度,适用于大多数人在临时坐着的情况下,比如吃饭或开团队会议. For tables that you sit at for a prolonged amount of time, 最理想的是能方便地根据自己的身体比例调整身高. 

modern adjustable desk

调整高度让你有机会在一天中四处走动,同时仍然坚持手头的任务. 在你下午参加第十次Zoom会议的时候站着,或者花一分钟给自己充电,伸展一下双腿.

The standard 30” table height is not ideal for people of all sizes. If you are above or below average height, you know how standard dimensions don’t work in every situation. A height adjustable desk lets you raise or lower the work surface  height to be more ergonomic. 

3. Have a Multi-Functional Desk

我们的 Irons Training Table is a simple but effective desk for home offices or small spaces. 它们有两个特点,使它们比标准办公桌更能适应繁忙的生活. 

这张多功能办公桌可以很容易地在家里的脚轮上滚动并锁定位置,这样你的孩子就不会把它偷走在你的大厅里玩轮滑了. 拥有一张移动办公桌可以让你从家里的固定区域中解脱出来. 在你需要平静和安静的日子里,把它滚进房间,关上门. If one afternoon the sun is shining into your living room just right, roll the table over and enjoy some sunshine.

熨斗训练桌的最大特点是它是一张可折叠的桌子:触摸把手,桌面就会翻转起来. 有一个翻盖式办公桌使它更容易移动和通过门口. This is an extra bonus for spaces that are now serving a 双 function. 你可以及时把你的桌面折叠起来,让你的办公室变成你的健身房,在那里你可以报名参加5点的瑜伽课.

home office wood desk

Check out the Irons Desk 如果你喜欢熨斗训练桌的外观,但不需要它的脚轮和翻转功能带来的额外便利. 

4. Work 从 Your Sofa

如果你更喜欢坐在沙发上而不是办公桌上摆脱游戏电子,这里没有任何评判. Being cozy is a major plus of working at home!

sofa laptop table

To make the ideal working situation top notch, we’d suggest adding a Sidekick Laptop C Table to your home office set-up. 当你摆脱游戏电子的时候,它是支撑你电脑的完美伴侣, and a nice option for small spaces. The table’s
c型的桌面可以舒适地放在膝盖上,底座可以滑到沙发下面. 这不仅方便使用,而且更符合人体工程学,防止你被坐垫吃掉. 

home office laptop stand


5. Bring the Office Home

Sometimes there is no need to reinvent the wheel! That is certainly the case with our Stokes Filing Cabinet. 这个经典的文件柜设计可以用老式的方式完成摆脱游戏电子, keeping your home office tidy and organized. But don’t let it’s traditional function fool you, 这些金属文件柜看起来很现代,在你的空间里看起来就像在家里一样. 在我们的材料页面上选择我们的颜色,或者与我们谈谈特殊的订单颜色. 

home office storage
home filing cabinets

We offer two sizes of filing cabinets: pedestal and lateral. 您可以从抽屉布局中选择多种配置. 所以,如果你需要额外的存储空间来存放法定尺寸的纸张,或者需要两个抽屉来放笔,请告诉我们.

6. Modern Home Office Furniture Accessories 

We may not be the Geek Squad from those big box electronic stores, 但我们有很好的现代办公家具配件选择,将给您的家庭办公室一个技术升级.

office furniture accessories

For example,  or monitor desk mounts. These adjustable mounts work hand-in-hand with ergonomic desks. Adjust the height, 角, 当你摆脱游戏电子时,你的显示器的深度,使屏幕与你的脸水平. 不得不低头或抬头看电脑会给你的脖子和肩膀带来压力. It’s not ideal for your comfort or long term health. 

home office charger

长时间摆脱游戏电子(或者在YouTube上浪费10个小时)会很快耗尽你电脑的电池. Keep up the charge with our Burelé Surface Mount - QI Charger or the less conspicuous Under-Mount Mini Edge Box. Both will keep your computer fully charged while you work or relax.

There’s also desktop mounted outlets, wire grommets, and cable management 工具,可以纳入任何定制的桌面订单,以帮助使您的家庭办公室功能更像真实的东西.

We’d love to upgrade your home office furniture with any of these ideas. Shop the collection or contact us about any custom office furniture ideas that you have in mind. 

Want your desk to look like a cover of a magazine? Check out our post 6 Ways to Make Your Desk Feel Like Home!


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